_---- so&so '95 ---- #concrete waves --- a # heavy metal torqued #version of jays song # redone, yet again #by so & so, this is # the third release o #f jays song, we thin # this one is bette #r ... well i don't a #ctually know if this # is _better_ but it #sure is dif #ferent! my thanks go # to ash (my worst mi #ndset #) for giving me cert #ain ideas and cheeri #ng on this new versi #on... greets to ever #ry one that likes to #jam.. ;) --- rock o #n dudes!! by the way #... look out for our # old demosong dis #k coming soon! and r #emember.. crayz peop #le still taste good! # especially the wome #n(with hot fudge)!! # -- condore of so&so